Saturday, November 8, 2008


I have been thinking about our leaders most especially those who like using this word "democracy" i wish they read this blog;
Once elected as a leader and you are in power , you must focus,know what you want to do for your people(what they want),where you are coming from and where you are going. There is no way you can serve people when you do not focus.
Check every step you pass through during your term,you must not fail in every step(if you fail in the first step,do not fail in the second and the third).
Once you get a chance to serve people, you must serve them to the maximum, make use of your term, be sure of what you want to teach people .A democratic leader should make a good research, know his/her source and be prepared for every question that comes from the people about the topic he/she is talking about.
Our ministers send people to research for them and then come to present what they have not researched themselves and end up failing to answer questions asked about the same research.
Every achievement you make is very important to you and the people you are serving. The people will live happily and elect you back in power.
If you want to call yourself a democratic leader, then you must have to fulfill your manifesto(make your people successful).
It is never too late to start planning for your retirement, once in power, when you plan, then you will ask yourself ,what will i have done for my people during my term?
But when you are serving people and not plan for them, then know that you are planning to fail.
When you are leading people, the day you stop listening to them is the day you stop leading them. This means you are no longer leading them, you are just leading yourself. is that a democratic leadership?
There are trials in leadership and if you want to fulfill your promises/manifesto, then you have also to learn endurance, a democratic leader should not just give up, allow people to advise you, because there is nobody who is perfect.
Avoid thinking within one box because if you get used then you will never think out of that box. Everybody learns every time, “I never stop learning, I learn everywhere and every time in life”. Patrice Lumumba.
Open your mind and allow ideas swing freely, that is when you will extend your knowledge. Avoid closing your mind and say, “I know enough.” Dying happily in ignorance does not mean that you have died a successful person.
A democratic leader who wants to make change in his/her people, first have to know him/herself and how much does he/she know, what can he/she offer; then there he/she can start thinking of serving people.
A leader can never solve any conflict when he/she does not know the true cause of it and the origin of the parties involved.

A leader who is not in this line should never think of calling him/herself a democratic leader.

The author is a student of  Makerere University and the Current MR FOWOWDE.

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