Thursday, November 13, 2008




Almost all institutions in Uganda are patriarchal and the reality is that males are favored in almost every important and profitable issues. Since our independence, our leadership has been dominated by males who happen to also have wives and daughters like other people do.Take an example of our law making and government leaderships departments which are dominated by men ,do they value their wives or daughters?

Our Parliamentarians make and support laws that favor men, our own Judges in almost, all levels, let it be local councils 1,2,3 and5, take cases of domestic violence as minor. They call them

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I have been thinking about our leaders most especially those who like using this word "democracy" i wish they read this blog;
Once elected as a leader and you are in power , you must focus,know what you want to do for your people(what they want),where you are coming from and where you are going. There is no way you can serve people when you do not focus.
Check every step you pass through during your term,you must not fail in every step(if you fail in the first step,do not fail in the second and the third).
Once you get a chance to serve people, you must serve them to the maximum, make use of your term, be sure of what you want to teach people .A democratic leader should make a good research, know his/her source and be prepared for every question that comes from the people about the topic he/she is talking about.
Our ministers

Friday, November 7, 2008


By sending anything you feel belongs here,talking about women,gender equality,pro poor values,youth,everything that can shape someone and make that person alternative you will be appreciated and you never know you are making an impact on some one here and in the whole world,just pose aquestion and we shall answer you right here.THANX


Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE) grew out of the Women’s Caucus of the Uganda Constituent Assembly, 1994-1995. To increase their political clout and broaden the base of support for women’s issues, women in the Constituent Assembly embarked on a series of strategic alliances, building coalitions to influence the new constitution

Caucus members participated in training on managing campaigns constituency and coalition building speech making and parliamentary procedures. The Caucus formed working relationships with other professional associations and NGO’s with ties to women. The success of the caucus can be measured; the constitution of Uganda is written in gender-sensitive language and an explicit statement of equality before the law is included which must be written in other laws, cultures, traditions or customs that undermine the dignity and well being of women, and provides for affirmative action for women to redress historic imbalances

After the completion of the Constituent Assembly (1995), the Women’s caucus founded the Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE


After attending the FOWODE LEADERSHIP TRAINING i went back home,sat down and started asking myself of the things i got from this whole training. After siting down and thinking i decided to compile all the lessons together and share them with you and the whole world reading this blog,because i believe everybody realy needs these lessons to influence his or her life.
This is what i gat there

Ø Never listen to people who have the bad idea of being negative everytime.

Ø Always be deaf to someone who keeps telling you that you can’t and will never achieve your goals or make your dreams come true.

Ø To achieve your dream you must focus, know what you want, where you are coming from and where you are going.

Ø You have to check every step you pass through in life when you want to achieve your dream. If you fail in one step, don’t fail in the second and the third…..

Ø When you are still alive, make sure you live life as a whole, live all your life on earth, enjoy your life on earth, be happy and make others happy. ‘Squeeze your life the same way you squeeze or, eat and lik a mango.”

Ø You have to be sure of what you want to teach people, tell people, when you are a leader, you have to make a very good research, know your source and be prepared for any question you will be asked about the topic you are talking about.

Ø Every achievement you make is very important in your life.

Ø To call yourself a giant, you have to have made someone successful in life, or helped somebody.Generally achieved in making someone/people successful.

Ø It is never too late to start planning for your retirement in everything you are doing, whether, studies/working or living make sure you plan for your life.

Ø When you are doing something you have not planned for you know that you are planning to fail.

Ø When you are leading people or if you are a leader in something, the day you stop listening to people you are teaching is the day you/stop leading them. This means you are nolonger leading them, you are just dictating, leading yourself in which it is not easy to have a smooth leadership.

Ø You have to expect trials in the process of life, if you want to achieve your dreams. Don’t expect smooth life all the way, and to pass throng these trials, you have to learn how to endure, don’t just give up any how (Faaaa………..)

Ø Nobody will understand your body for you, if you think its private, there’s no way you will solve issues concerning your own body. Ø Avoid thinking within a box. You will never think out of that box.

Ø Everybody learns everytime “I never stop learning, I learn everytime, and every where in life” Patrice Lumumba.

Ø Open your mind and allow knowledge swing freely, that is when you will extend your knowledge. Avoid closing your mind and say “I know enough”, Avoid dying happily in ignorance and say you have died a successful person.

Ø In life there are ups and downs, never loose an opportunity if you get chance of one.

Ø If you want to make change in other people’s lives, you have to first know who you are and how much you know atleast. What can you offer to those people, and then you can start knowing who they are and continue like that.

Ø You can never solve any conflict if you don’t know the true cause and origin of the parties involved.
In life everybody needs these lessons to succeed. (I need them too). To be continued…..

Compiled by MR. FOWODE .


After we formed a young association from fowode,called(FYLA)Fowode Young Leaders Association,fowode believes it must take gender equality to the next level.You know fowode produces 30 young alternative leaders of which am among and of which i believe all take gender issues seriously(we are all gender sensitive).these are the very people that formed FYLA of which we launched this year at COLLINE HOTEL and it has embarked on promoting its objectives right away. Why dont you join me on this blog if you believe in gender equality and promoting pro poor values and we brain storm right here.Being MR FOWODE i created this blog for all of you,who are gender sensitive,post anything here and we make our mothers and sisters happy here.